This is almost a bait and switch... but not quite.
Where I see Frank's Mozilla Accessibility Strategy document providing direction for Firefox/gecko is in the Mozilla development process as it applies to pushing the web forward. Your friendly gecko accessibility team currently consists of 3 core members: Marco Zehe, Alexander Surkov, and some newbie. This team is a vital part of bringing the web to everyone, but also, by its existence, it has the potential to create a false sense of security; sort of a "the accessibility special forces has our back" cushion. To some extent that cushion exists, but you have to make sure you're sitting on it. So what am I getting at?
In a nutshell please see Marco's call for ping-age.
This is happening.
That's great.
Please do it more often.
I'm looking at you too #labs and #ux, cuz accessibility breeds innovation, and accessibility is usability.
Thanks for reading.